Sunday, April 1, 2007

Our Latest News

It's been a year since Kruz was born but still no Aunt Flo so I thought it'd be prudent to just make sure.....ooops!

This is how we're telling people. I'm testing the power of the blog (and the grapevine) to see who actually reads this thing and keeps up with us.


Anonymous said...

brilliant. i love it - i love that U picked your bday & this picture & your fabulous BLOG to announce. congrats or should i say "kongrats" because U gotta start thinkin' of the K names again! love, auntie Kris

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me. What are you and Nellie in a race to see who can have more children... Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated birthday little sis!!! We were going to call you last night but then we weren't sure if you were ahead or behind our time. Is the news real or a good April fools joke?!! Either way, congratulations and I hope to see you all soon!! Love, Uncle Ben.

Anonymous said...

Okay - is this an April fool's joke. HA HA or is this real?? You crazy people. I did forget to mention Happy Belated Birthday. I was too shocked at the news to remember to write Hello and Happy Bday.

Are you guys trying to kill us on Holidays? We are going to have to draw names and take out loans to buy birthday gifts.. :)

Love to you all!!
Love, BBB

Anonymous said...

HA! good one, trace - BECAUSE it's your bday i DIDN't think of it bein' an april fool's joke! way to go! i certainly bought it & spread the word! love, auntie kris

the Eggernest said...

I am so upset that I didn't know first. I may have to edit my posting about your stinkin' birthday. heathen.