Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Saying Good-Bye to the 4th Grade

It's official. It's over. Finished. Done. Final. Complete. Moving on. Kyran took his last 2 final exams this morning and he is now looking forward to 5th grade! Well, summer first, then 5th grade! He finished with flying colors. Kelley made him a promise that if he finished with all A's his Mommy would stay home in the fall so he could play football. I don't think he did too bad:

Spelling - 97%
Science/Health - 92%
Math - 97%
History - 95%
Language - 90%
Reading - Pass/Satisfactory
Penmanship - Pass/Satisfactory

Great job Kyran! You worked hard (well semi-hard - I only caught you daydreaming 4 or 5 times a day!!)


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Kyran: FIFTH GRADER & football in the fall! Congrats to Kori for what looked like a fun THIRD birthday! Congrats to your Dad & the Giants! I tried to watch the videos but our computer here at home gets sound w/o picture (hearing the announcer say "McClure" while speaking Flemish is cool, though) I'll try again if I getta chance at work. Congrats to Kruz for that cool playground video AND Congrats to Mommy who "gets to stay home in the fall!" Love, Auntie Kris PS Congrats, too, to Molly J for figuring out how to leave comments :)

the Eggernest said...

So maybe we are leaving umpteeth congrats after Auntie Kris, ;) but we'll add it anyways. CONGRATS KYRAN! I loved the fourth grade, but felt like a giant going into fifth grade. Good luck on the upcoming football season! I am already drooling over the idea of a brat, and rooting you on. Much love, Luke and Megan