Sunday, September 6, 2009

Dooder-Bug & Booda-Butt

Dooder-Bug threw a touchdown pass and ran for a touchdown while Booda-Butt ran for two touchdowns Saturday against the Vikings.
Final Score
Panthers 24, Vikings 0
The nicknames they loved as kids now makes them cringe with embarrassment in public. Apparently, it's no longer appropriate to cheer for them using anything other than their birth names. Guess it's time to bring out the cowbell then...


MoMo's Creations said...

Hilarious!! Funny how nicknames are "allowed" to come and go! You still call me by my childhood nickname but I do recall times when I deemed it "unappropriate"! Sounds like the season is off to a good start!!
Aunt *MOOSE*

the Eggernest said...

Yahoo! I will admit, when I read the post title, and started reading the post, I too was cringing about those nicknames... Hooray on the game though, and I'm rooting for the birth names & cowbell. :) xoxoxoxo

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