Sunday, March 4, 2012

Took the kiddo's to Wendy's after church today and snapped a few pics with my cell phone.

 Lexy, Kori, Kruz, Nevaeh and Kendall

 Kori lost her first top tooth last night!

 Alexys and Kori

 Pretty Girls!

 Silly Faces!
(Kori looks like a Hill Jack from Chainsaw Massacre)

The Twinkster


Friday, October 14, 2011

Let's Go Bengals!!

Kruzer's first year playing football.
He takes it so seriously on the field you'd think he was making millions!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Monday, September 13, 2010


14 years ago this day,
at 8:15 pm,
I gave birth to a 4 lb. 2 oz. baby boy.
Now, he's 5'7 and 115 lbs.

But, he's still my Baby Boy!

Monday, May 3, 2010

~ Kori's 6 Years Old ~

Still backdating posts - trying to catch the blog up with life!
Here's a few pics of Kori's 6th.

6 years has gone by so quickly....
Baby Alive and Blendy Pens.  Who knew how happy they would make her or how many hours they would occupy her!?

The gift that never gets old!

Such a Girlie-Girl!

Presents from Nana: Priceless!

She's cute and she know's it.

Monday, April 12, 2010

How We Spent Kruzer's Birthday

Yes, this happened 4 months ago, BUT, this is bloggerland and I can backdate my post!
I downloaded about 1000 pictures from my camera card yesterday and so I thought I'd post a few highlights of our summer. (since April - that's when I got my new camera!)
First up was/is Kruz's birthday.
We spent the day at Kyran's AAU Tournament in Hilliard:

Kruz, Kendall, Kori, and Lexy

Coach Kelley doing his thing.

Kyran (No. 1) making a 3 pointer.

The Birthday Boy sporting the necklace Kori made him from Bendaroo's.

The Champs!

Daylan and Kyran with the trophy.

Finally, the day is over but we didn't get home until well after dark. We gave Kruz an ice-cream sandwich with a candle in it and sang Happy Birthday to him!

Kruz with his birthday outfit from Kelley, posing with the trophy.

Isn't he just so stinking sweet?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

An Alien Has Taken Over Kendall

In all my years (13) of being a mother, I've not had one single child that, at Kendall's age, willingly goes to bed without crying and/or getting out of bed. For one week now, since we moved her out of our room and into her own room with her new toddler bed, Kendall lays down when she's told. She doesn't cry. She doesn't wimper. She doesn't fidget. She doesn't do anything except go to sleep. It's amazing. She's either possessed by Aliens or God saved the best for last.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Kendall's First Snow Storm

We finally had some snow that didn't bring bitter temperatures. ( first).
Kendall got to go out amist the biggest snowflakes I think I've seen in a long time.
She enjoyed putting her fingers in the snow and, of course, eating it too.

The camera didn't capture the falling snow but it was coming down very hard. Look at Kendall's hood. That was from about 5 minutes of being
in the snow.Lexy & Kendall
The only two that wanted to be outside!

Frenchy was eating the snow also.
It must've been sweet!

Friday, January 1, 2010


Love and Hugs and Wishes,
From all of us,
To you and yours,
for a

Friday, December 11, 2009

Life's Big Questions

Life really boils down to 2 questions...

1. Should I get a dog...?


2.. Should I have children?...Or do like some of us smarties and have both!!
Someone emailed this to me and I thought it too cute not to share.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Whetstone Wildcats Vs. Grandview Bobcats

Today the Wildcats took on the Bobcats.

Twinkie was very excited for Kyran and Daylan's first game.

She wore her red to support both the Wildcats and the Buckeyes!

Kruz, poor Kruz.
You can tell by his color choice who he was supporting today.

That's what we all think of the Wolverine's, Kruz!

Here's Daylan with a steal and a bucket. Whoo~hoo!!

And KJ with one too!
Please excuse the blur. My camera just isn't a 'sports' camera. Maybe I'll get one for Christmas (hint, hint!)

Kyran shooting freethrows.
He gives me 10 push-ups for every missed free-throw.
Kelley used to pay me $100 bucks. Fortunately, for him, he didn't miss many.
The Wildcats were victorious today, as were the Buckeyes, as were the Crush!
Couldn't ask for a better day!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Kendall's First Birthday!!

Today the baby turned '1'.

She loved the attention when all the kids sang "Happy Birthday" to her.

We didn't have a party but I made cupcakes for her and all the other kids.

She was honored to be given a cupcake.

But she wouldn't touch it.


This was as close as she would get to the cupcake. She wouldn't touch it, only point at it and talk to it.

Her party with family is next week so this was just a trial run. Hopefully, she'll dig in next time.